Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Zebee interviews Rebekha

“Hi Rebekha. My name is Zebee. I’m the mascot for Laughing Zebra children books. Can I ask you a few questions so that our readers in bloggerville can get to know you a little bit better?”

“Sure Zebee. I like your name. Cute.”

“Thanks. Okay, how old were you when you started writing?”

“I not sure. It feels like I've been writing as long as I could hold a pencil. I think it was 2nd or 3rd grade .”

“Why did you start writing?”

“I went to an elementary school that believed in having the students do a lot of creative writing. I started writing poetry and then moved on to short stories that the PTA turned into books. I think my parents still have the ones my brother and I wrote. ”

“Have you ever had anything published before?”

“Yes. A poem titled ‘Wish’. It's about what I'd do if I was a wolf for a day , or two. There was another one about skyscrapers.”

“What gave you the idea for ‘Zooprise Party / Fiesta Zoorpresa’?”

“I was visiting the okapi exhibit at a zoo and a gerenuk decided to peak over the fence between their exhibits. The photograph is in the book with some interesting facts about the two animals.”

“I heard you are a zookeeper. When did you know you wanted to be a keeper? What’s your favorite animal to work with?”

“I have always wanted to work with animals, my mom says since I was about 3 or 4 years old. As for which animal is my favorite, that's a tough question. I like all the animals I work with now. Some of them are giraffes, bongos, kudus, and zebras.”

“What do you like to do for fun, away from the zoo?”

“Other than going to the zoo? Let's see, I like to read classical fiction, watch movies and play putt-putt golf.”

“What’s your favorite part of this story?”

“I can’t tell you, Mori might hear and that would spoil the surprise party.”

“Oh, right. Well, I guess that’s all for now. Thanks Rebekha for letting our readers get to know you a little bit better.”

“Thanks Zebee. This was fun.”

This is Zebee signing out. (for now)